Example: |
0. 2, 1. 2, 1. 2, 2. 2, 3. 2, 5. 2,
8. 2, 13. 2, 21. 2, 34. 2, 55. 2, 89. 2,
144. 2, 233. 2, 377. 2, 610. 2, 987. 2, 1597. 2,
2584. 2, 4181. 2, 6765. 2, 10946. 2, 17711. 2, 28657. 2,
46368. 2, 75025. 2, 121393. 2, 196418. 2, 317811. 2,
: FIB? ( n – fibonacci) 1- 4 * FIBONACCI + 2@ D. ;
27 FIB?
(displays 121393)
Comment: |
Note, the value is not compiled as a literal value, it is simply compiled to memory as two consecutive cells with no LIT instruction preceding them. 2, is used to compile lists or arrays of double precision numbers.