KDEL is used for setting (via !) and reading (via @) the keyboard auto-repeat rate to be used in the block editor. This is intended for Geneve compatibility as the editor is unusable on the Geneve due to the keyboard delays being too short.
This work-around poses a neat fix. Geneve users can set the delay by writing to KDEL in their BLOCKS startup file, or by typing directly at the command line (the command line works fine on the Geneve.
The value stored in KDEL has the following format:
Where II is the initial delay (before auto-repeat starts) divided by 2. At power up, this value is 0xED. SS is the short delay (when auto-repeat is active). At power-up this value is 0x1E. Maximum value is FF.
Note: Introduced in TurboForth V1.2.1:4 (September 2015)