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Words in category File I/O Words in glossary TurboForth Kernal

The following words are listed in this category (10 words found): Word Types: S = Standard, I = Immediate , IC = Immediate-compiling.
Word Name Word Type Data Stack Signature Return Stack Signature Description Availability
V1.0 V1.1 V1.2
#CLOSE S file_id -- -- Closes the file with the file id file_id.
#EOF? S file_id -- flag -- Returns TRUE if file file_id is currently positioned at the end of the file.
#GET S buf_addr file_id -- flag -- Reads a record from an external file into a buffer.
#OPEN S file_id -- flag -- Opens a file with the file name and attributes specified in the buffer starting at file_id.
#PUT S buf_addr len file_id -- flag -- Writes a string from buffer_addr with length len to the file represented by file_id.
#REC S rec file_id -- -- Sets the record number of file referenced by file_id to record rec for reading or writing relative files.
FBUF: I -- -- Declares a file buffer, used by FILE to build the PAB (Peripheral Access Block) required for file access.
FILE I -- Builds a PAB (Peripheral Access Block) in a buffer previously declared with FBUF: according to the descriptor string supplied via the stack.
LOAD#5 S "filename" vdpAddress -- -- Loads an Editor/Assembler Option #5 (raw/program image) file into VDP memory at vdp address vdpAddress.
SAVE#5 S "filename" size saveAddr -- Saves size bytes of VDP memory, starting at VDP memory address saveAddr to disk with the given filename.

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