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; ########################################
; Double Number Extension Word Set
; Words to provide 32 bit math facilities
; ########################################
; Note: To save memory, these words may be removed completely and added to a
; support file on disk.

; 2DROP ( d -- )
drop2h  data ab0rth,5
        text '2DROP '
drop2   data $+2            
        c *stack+,*stack+       ; pop 2 words off the stack (cool, eh?)
        b *next

; 2DUP ( d -- d d )
dup2h   data drop2h,4
        text '2DUP'
dup2    data $+2
        bl @bank1
        data _dup2              ; see 1-07-Double.a99

; 2SWAP ( a b c d -- c d a b )