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; ____ _ _ _____ ______ __ __ _ ; | _ \| | | | |_ _| / / __ \ \ \ / / | | ; | |_) | | ___ ___| | __ | | / / | | | \ \ /\ / /___ _ __ __| |___ ; | _ <| |/ _ \ / __| |/ / | | / /| | | | \ \/ \/ // _ \| '__/ _` / __| ; | |_) | | (_) | (__| < _| |_ / / | |__| | \ /\ /| (_) | | | (_| \__ \ ; |____/|_|\___/ \___|_|\_\ |_____/_/ \____/ \/ \/ \___/|_| \__,_|___/ ; block file system words & subroutines ; Notes: ; Since File IO on the TI takes place in VDP RAM, the block system is ; implemented using VDP ram to hold the blocks. In other words, blocks live ; in VDP RAM, *not* CPU ram. Might as well use VDP for something and it has ; the added benefit of leaving *lots* more CPU ram available for Forth code. ; ; The 'system' is designed to support up to six blocks in VDP ram at once. ; I.e. there are six 1K buffers in VDP, each buffer can hold any block. ; The buffers are allocated in sequential order until they are used. When no ; more buffers are available, a previously used buffer is used, it's contents ; are overwritten. However, *if* the contents of a block have been changed ; (i.e. they are more up-to-date than the copy on the disk) the block is ; automatically flushed back to disk before being re-used. ; ; The VDP addresses of the block buffers are defined in 1-15-Initialise.a99 ; ; USE ( addr len -- ) ; Tells the system which block file to use for block IO ; e.g. S" DSK1.BLOCKS" USE ; Simply sets the filename and length in the blockIO PAB useh data rtdath,3 text 'USE ' use data docol,mtbuf,use1,exit use1 data $+2 bl @bank1 data _use ; see 1-06-Blocks.a99 ; WHERE ( -- block# ) ; returns the block number of word that has been loaded into memory with LOAD ; eg: WHERE FOO ; can only be used from the command line ; returns 0 if not found, or if the word is in ROM whereh data useh,immed+5 text 'WHERE ' where data docol,spword,find,zbrnch,where1 data dfa,plus2,fetch,lit,4,rsft,lit,>3ff,and,plus1,exit where1 data drop,lit0,exit ; BLK -- addr U,79 "b-l-k" ; The address of a variable containing the number of the mass storage block ; being interpreted as the input stream. ; If the value of BLK is zero the input stream is taken from the text input ; buffer. {{0..the number of blocks available -1}} ; See: TIB "input stream" blkh data whereh,3 text 'BLK ' blk data $+2 li r6,blknum ; address of block variable in ram b @dovar ; push it ; --> ( -- ) ; loads the next block nblkh data blkh,immed+3 text '--> ' nblk data docol data blk,fetch,plus1,blk,store,in_,store0 data exit ;] ; THRU ( start end -- ) ; loads blocks start thru end inclusive by calling LOAD for each block. thruh data nblkh,4 text 'THRU' thru data docol,plus1,swap data do,xthru thrulp data geti,load data loop,thrulp xthru data exit ; : THRU ( start-block end-block -- ) 1+ SWAP DO I LOAD LOOP ; ; BLOCK u -- vdpaddr M,83 ; addr is the address of the assigned buffer of the first byte of block u. ; If the block occupying that buffer is not block u and has been UPDATEed it is ; transferred to mass storage before assigning the buffer. ; If block u is not already in memory, it is transferred from mass storage into ; an assigned block buffer. A block may not be assigned to more than one ; buffer. ; If u is not an available block number, an error condition exists. ; Only data within the last buffer referenced by BLOCK or BUFFER is valid. ; The contents of a block buffer must not be changed unless the change may be ; transferred to mass storage.BLOCK ( block# -- addr ) ; ; Brings a block into a buffer, if not already in memory ; 1) If already in memory, the block is not re-loaded from device ; 2) If not in memory: ; 3) Scans for a free buffer ; 4) If no free buffer: ; 5) flush all buffers back to device ; 6) Repeat from 3 ; 7) If free buffer: ; 9) Load block from device into free buffer ; 10) Return address of buffer ; 11) If disk error, or block not found etc, return 0 blockh data thruh,5 text 'BLOCK ' block data docol,lit,blkvec,fetch,execut,exit block2 data $+2 bl @bank1 data _block ; see 1-06-Blocks.a99 ; LIST ( block# -- ) ; lists a blocks' contents to the screen without loading it listh data blockh,4 text 'LIST' list_ data docol,fblock,dup,zbrnch,lstxit data lit,16,lit0 data do,lstxit list1 data cr,geti,lit,2,dotr data lit,3,emit,dup,ghere,lit,64,fvmbr,ghere data lit,64,trail,type,lit,64,add data loop,list1 lstxit data drop,cr,blk,store0 data lit,lstblk,store0,exit ; LOAD ( block# -- ) ; interprets a block loadh data listh,4 text 'LOAD' load data docol data in_,fetch,rspush data blk,fetch,rspush data span,fetch,rspush data lit,1024,span,store data in_,store0 data blk,store data interp data rspop,span,store data rspop,blk,store data rspop,in_,store data exit fblock ; ( blk# --) ; fetch block and strip off dirty bit data docol,block,lit,>7fff,and,exit ; CLOAD ( blk -- ) ; Conditionally loads a block if the referenced word (passed in the TIB) is ; not found. ; e.g. 69 CLOAD SAMS? will load block 69 if the word SAMS? is not found. ; If the word *is* found then no further action is taken. cloadh data loadh,immed+5 text 'CLOAD ' cload data docol,spword,find,nip data zbrnch,cload1 data drop,exit cload1 data load,exit ; UPDATE -- 79 ; The currently valid block buffer is marked as modified. ; Blocks marked as modified will subsequently be automatically transferred to ; mass storage should its memory buffer be needed for storage of a different ; block or upon execution of FLUSH. updath data cloadh,6 text 'UPDATE' update data $+2 bl @bank1 data _updat ; see 1-06-Blocks.a99 ; FLUSH -- M,83 ; Flushes all modified buffers to the storage device then unassigns all block ; buffers. flushh data updath,5 text 'FLUSH ' flush data $+2 bl @bank1 data _flush ; see 1-06-Blocks.a99 ; EMPTY-BUFFERS ( -- ) ; immediately sets all buffers to unsaasigned. ; DOES NOT flush dirty buffers to disk mtbufh data flushh,13 text 'EMPTY-BUFFERS ' mtbuf data $+2 bl @bank1 data _mtbuf ; see 1-06-Blocks.a99 ; CLEAN ( buffer -- ) ; forces a buffers' status to clean cleanh data mtbufh,5 text 'CLEAN ' bclean data $+2 bl @bank1 data _clean ; see 1-06-Blocks.a99 ; DIRTY ( buffer -- ) ; forces a buffers' status to dirty dirtyh data cleanh,5 text 'DIRTY ' dirty data $+2 bl @bank1 data _dirty ; see 1-06-Blocks.a99 ; DIRTY? ( buffer -- flag ) ; interrogates a buffers' status, returning true if the buffer is dirty, else ; returning false dirtih data dirtyh,6 text 'DIRTY?' dirtyq data $+2 bl @bank1 data _qdirt ; see 1-06-Blocks.a99 ; BLK? ( buffer -- block vdp_address ) ; For a given buffer, returns the actual block stored in that buffer ; and the vdp address of that buffer blkqh data dirtih,4 text 'BLK?' blkq data $+2 bl @bank1 data _blkq ; see 1-06-Blocks.a99 ; BUF? ( block -- buffer vdp_address ) ; For a given block, return the buffer number, and the vdp address of the buffer ; returns 0 0 if the block is not in memory bufh data blkqh,4 text 'BUF?' buf data $+2 bl @bank1 data _buf ; see 1-06-Blocks.a99 ; SETBLK ( buffer block -- ) ; For a given buffer, changes the block that it is associated with. ; Allows blocks to copied to other blocks, using FLUSH. ; Blocks can also be copied to a different block file by changing the blocks ; file (with USE) before using FLUSH. setblh data bufh,6 text 'SETBLK' setblk data $+2 bl @bank1 data _setbk ; see 1-06-Blocks.a99 ; MKBLK ( block_count -- ) ; makes a block file on disk. ; E.G. 80 MKBLOCK DSK1.BLOCKS ; The above creates an 80K file on disk 1 called BLOCKS. ; use IOERR to check success. ; IOERR contains 0 for success or the disk error code mkblkh data setblh,immed+5 text 'MKBLK ' mkblk data docol data spword ; get the filename data mkblkc,exit ; branch to bank 1 mkblkc data $+2 bl @bank1 data _mkblk ; see 1-06-Blocks.a99 ; WriteHeader ( vdp_addr -- vdp_addr+8) ; : WRITE-HEADER ( vdp_addr -- vdp_addr+8) ; $994A VW! LATEST @ VW! HERE VW! 3 PICK VW! ; whead data docol data lit,>994a,vdpww,lates_,fetch,vdpww,ghere,vdpww,lit,3,pick,vdpww data exit vdpww data docol ; V2! ( addr val -- addr+2 ) data swpb_,swap,dup,nrot,dup2,vdpstr,plus1,swap,swpb_,swap,vdpstr,plus2 data exit ; BSAVE ( start_address start_block -- first_free_block) ; : BSAVE ( addr block - next_free_block) ; OVER HERE SWAP - ; BEGIN DUP 1008 > WHILE ; OVER GBASD ; WRITE-HEADER ; 3 PICK 1008 VMBW ; 1008 - ROT 1008 + -ROT SWAP 1+ SWAP ; REPEAT ; SWAP DUP GBASD WRITE-HEADER 3 PICK 3 PICK VMBW ; 1+ NIP NIP FLUSH ; bsaveh data mkblkh,5 text 'BSAVE ' bsave data docol data over,ghere,swap,sub bsave1 data dup,lit,1008,gt,zbrnch,bsave2 data over,block,update data whead data lit,3,pick,lit,1008,fvmbw data lit,1008,sub,rot,lit,1008,add,nrot,swap,plus1,swap data branch,bsave1 bsave2 data swap,dup,block,update,whead,lit,3,pick,lit,3,pick,fvmbw data plus1,nip,nip,flush data exit ; BLOAD ( start_block -- ) ; : BLOAD ( block -- next_free_block) ; BEGIN DUP BLOCK DUP VW@ $994A = WHILE ; 2+ DUP VW@ LATEST ! 2+ DUP VW@ H ! 2+ DUP VW@ SWAP 2+ SWAP ; 1008 VMBR 1+ ; REPEAT DROP ; bloadh data bsaveh,5 text 'BLOAD ' data docol bload1 data dup,fblock,dup,vdprw,lit,>994a,eq,zbrnch,bload2 data plus2,dup,vdprw,lates_,store data plus2,dup,vdprw,here_,store data plus2,dup,vdprw,swap,plus2,swap data lit,1008,fvmbr,plus1 data branch,bload1 bload2 data drop data memptr ; adjust ffaihm & ffailm as appropriate data exit memptr data $+2 mov @here,r0 bl @bank1 data mpadj ; see 1-09-Compilation.a99 b *next