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Words in category Graphics Words in glossary TurboForth Kernal

The following words are listed in this category (20 words found): Word Types: S = Standard, I = Immediate , IC = Immediate-compiling.
Word Name Word Type Data Stack Signature Return Stack Signature Description Availability
V1.0 V1.1 V1.2
COINC S tolerance sprite1 sprite2 -- flag -- Checks for coincidence between sprite1 and sprite2. If both the horizontal and vertical difference between the two sprites is >= to tolerance then the sprites are not in coincidence with each other and flag shall be false, otherwise it shall be true.
COLOR S set fgcolor bgcolor -- -- Sets the character set set to the foreground colour fgcolor and the background colour bgcolor.
DCHAR S address len ascii -- -- Defines the character with the code ascii using len cells of data found at address. Normally used in conjunction with DATA.
GCHAR S y x -- ascii -- Returns the ascii code of the character at screen location y and x.
GMODE S mode -- -- Sets the graphics mode to mode.
HCHAR S y x ascii count -- -- Draws count ascii characters on screen starting at y & x, continuing horizontally and to the right.
MAGNIFY S n -- -- Sets the magnification value for sprites to n.  
PANEL S x y xlength ylength -- -- Logically defines a rectangular panel starting at y, x extending to ylength and xlength to be scrolled by SCROLL.
SCREEN S color -- -- Sets screen colour to color.
SCROLL S direction -- -- Scrolls screen as defined by PANEL in direction direction.
SMLIST S sprite y x --  -- Defines a movement vector for sprite sprite.
SPRCOL S sprite color -- -- Sets the colour of sprite sprite to colour color. Valid colours range is 0 to 15. See SCREEN for colours.
SPRITE S sprite y x pattern color -- -- Sets sprite sprite to the y location y, the x location x assigned to pattern pattern with colour color.
SPRLOC S sprite y x -- -- Sets the location of sprite sprite to y and x.
SPRLOC? S sprite -- y x -- Returns the x and y location of sprite sprite.
SPRMOV S start_sprite count -- -- Moves the sprites starting at start_sprite and continuing for count sprites according to their vectors (see SPRVEC).
SPRPAT S sprite ascii -- -- Sets the ascii code of sprite sprite to ascii.
SPRVEC S sprite y x -- -- Defines a movement vector for sprite sprite.
VCHAR S y x ascii count -- -- Draws count ascii characters on screen starting at y & x, continuing downward and to the right.
VWTR S value register -- -- Writes the value in value to VDP register register.

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